Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Bible, Truth or Fiction?

A prudent person will carefully investigate before drawing conclusions on such an important book. The Bible is loaded with facts which facilitates verification of the truth.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of claims that can be carefully analyzed. If you are uncertain of this book, I urge you to begin an independent study. Should the Bible be the “Word of God”, the ramifications are HUGE!

According to 2 Timothy 3:16, “All scripture is breathed out by God”. God used human authors to write His word, yet without error. While many books list the authors names, some do not. For the authors were not interested in receiving any special recognition for their work, for it was not about them.

The Bible contains hundreds of prophesies. Some have been fulfilled; others will take place in the near future. The most significant prophecy was the coming Messiah (Jesus) predicted approximately 700 years before His appearance.

Between 1947 and 1956 the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 11 caves on the upper northwest shores of the Dead Sea. This discovery included fragments of every book of the Old Testament except Esther. There were 19 copies found of the Book of Isaiah which predicted the coming Messiah. There is extensive information available on the internet for your research.

The Bible includes the historical account of creation, the fall of man, the flood, the birth of Jesus Christ and the early New Testament church. I have never seen any reliable evidence to doubt its authenticity. In fact, the more I read it, the more convinced I am of its truth. If the Bible was not true, the more I and others read it, the less convinced we would be!

The Bible reveals how God reached out in love to a sinful world by giving His only Son, Jesus Christ. He became a man without sin and died a substitutionary death in place of sinful man to pay the penalty of man's sin which is death. (see Romans 6:23). For more information, please see the page, Religion, the great disappointment.


Kevin George said...

Nice photos, Darrell. They make me want to go visit again (not that I don't want to, but you know what I mean...)

Yes, the Bible is a serious book. It contains much history, which has been consistently verified as accurate. Clearly it is the eternal Word of God given to mankind.

Unknown said...

Very well done, Darrell. Keep up the good work. Dad

Unknown said...

Verywell done, Darrell. Keep up the good work. Dad

Anonymous said...

How spectacular the sites and wonderful camera work! I am glad you enjoyed your trip; makes me and my family want to return soon! Thanks for the treats you put in my mail drawer.