Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Buenos Aires, Part 4

Retiro is a large transportation terminal located in the capital of Buenos Aires. It provides access to subways, trains, city and long distance buses.

A non-rush hour view of the train terminal.

A list of departing trains.

Today we'll board a train to Tigres, located about 28 kilometers north of Buenos Aires.

At Tigres we purchased round trip boat tickets to Los Pecanes, a bed and breakfast, in the Parana Delta. Here hundreds of small islands are only accessible by boat.

We patiently waited in the cold for this boat to be untied for our long journey. Just kidding, I had you, didn't I?

This is the boat we wanted. Care to join us? Here we go!

The boat dropped off several passengers who live in this rural, river community.

Some of the houses are very nice.

Others need some TLC.

A view from inside. Most people have been dropped off; we must be close.

About two hours into our trip, the boat captain told us we had arrived.

This place is beautiful and we are the only guests. I hope we have enough money for lodging and meals. It would be a long swim home.

To be continued ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice pictures! From Retiro you can go to other provincies! for example Cordoba! its amazing!
im looking for an apartment in Buenos Aires to stay 2 weeks! I hope to have fun