Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Waterfall north of Bisbee, AZ

About four miles north of Bisbee, AZ, on state route 80 is this beautiful waterfall. The water only flows after heavy rain. People often pull over to take pictures. If you open the image and right click on it, you can use it as wallpaper on your computer.

A different day after more rain.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Strange Spider on Fort Huachuca, AZ

I found an unusual spider in an old, abandoned helicopter on Ft. Huachuca, Arizona

The facial markings on the main body may be for defensive purposes, whereas the eyes and mouth may be below the main body. What do you think?

Another view of the "Halloween" spider.

The same night I noticed two bats roosting in an old building.

No, I didn't pet him :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dry Canyon, Arizona

Dry Canyon is located about 6 miles north of Whetstone, Arizona, and west of State Route 90. It is part of the Coronado National Forest, an area covering a whopping 1,780,000 acres in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico.

Let's go explore inside.

Let's drop in this wash and see what we can find.

Be cafeful where you step.

The sunsets are spectacular.

Til next time.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Kevin George For Congress

My brother, Kevin George is running for congress in Texas, District #4. He is one of three challengers to the incumbent, Ralph Hall. Kevin is an outsider that Washington needs. I give my brother my highest recommendation.

I encourage you to browse his website. He is also accepting campaign contributions.

Here is some biographical information taken from his website:

Kevin George, age 43, was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and spent most of his early childhood in Iowa. At age 9 he lived for a year in Edinburg, Texas while his parents learned Spanish. When he was 10 he went to Argentina along with his parents who moved there to be Baptist missionaries. At age 19 Kevin returned to the USA to work and study.

At age 23 Kevin married and eventually had two children with his first wife. But she had Hodgkin's disease and passed away in 1996. After spending almost 4 years as a single father of two young boys, Kevin remarried a young lady, Daiana (pronounced Diana) from Argentina. They have had three more children, two boys and a girl.

Kevin has a bachelor's degree in secondary education, and is self-taught in various sciences and electronics. He also went to an aircraft mechanic school, and has an aircraft mechanic's license. Kevin also studied for a paralegal degree, which he finished, with a specialization in business.

Kevin has the heart and soul of an entrepreneur. He has started several businesses, with various degrees of success, including a pressure-washing business, West Texas Scales (sales and service of weighing equipment), Aerotronics, Inc. - an avionics business (aviation electronics) formerly located at the Grayson County Airport, and his latest - a sophisticated digital calibration system he designed and built for testing aircraft air data systems ( Kevin is a creative person that is always looking for solutions to problems. He has developed interests in many fields, including energy, aviation, space, health, economics, politics, law, and spiritual and cultural matters.

As a born-again Bible believer, Kevin is very concerned with what is happening to the families and churches in America. The legal and cultural climate has become a menace to our freedoms and God-given rights. These institutions (families and churches) are distinct jurisdictions from the sphere of government. Proactive leadership is needed to support these key institutions that form the foundations of our society.

Kevin has been a member of several Baptist churches. He has also participated in missions work, including a 6-month trip to Argentina in 1999.

Education is also an important issue for Kevin. As he was raised, he attended a combination of public, private, Christian, and home schools. His children have also attended Christian schools, public schools, and are presently being home schooled. Kevin also taught in a Christian school, teaching physics, Spanish, biology, Bible, and physical science subjects.

Kevin has had an interest in political events and issues for many years. He believes that the time has come for him to become actively involved in the political process, in an effort to influence people from the grassroots as well as influence elected leadership. His greatest concerns are in how families, churches, and culture are being impacted by the exaltation of the State at the expense of our personal and corporate natural rights. A parallel concern involves how our diminishing national sovereignty is also threatening these institutions.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Religion, the Great Disappointment

It has been estimated that there are over 42,000 different religions in the world. The odds of landing on the right religion could be compared to playing the lottery. Most people follow the religion of their family.

God did not leave the truth to chance, or to a great, great grandparent. There is a way to find the truth. It starts with the Bible. See my page, “The Bible, Truth or Fiction?

The Bible does not speak of a correct religion. Instead, it points to Jesus Christ who came to this earth approximately 2000 years ago with one purpose in mind; to die a substitute death in our place for our sins. If you would like to know Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins He offers, please check out the e-book, The Gospel.

Man-made religions are not the answer. Don't play Russian roulette with your soul. Jesus is the gateway to heaven. Do you have Jesus? It's death without Him.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Buenos Aires, Part 8

Here are some miscellaneous photos.

9 De Julio Avenue

Cafe con Leche (coffee with milk)

BBQ Argentine style

An old apartment building near Cordova and San Martin.

Plaza San Martin

Plaza San Martin

A typical fruit stand. This was at San Telmo.

Outside a restaurant on a cold day in San Telmo.

I was photographing this door when this lady walked by. Some of the doors are very tall and wide in older neighborhoods.

A street performer on Florida Street. He would not move until a tip was placed in the can in front of him. Then he would suddenly change positions.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Buenos Aires, Part 7

Temaiken is a zoo about an hour's drive from the capital. I was impressed by this place. We also spent time with my two sisters who live in Argentina and my new brother-in-law.

These birds were not part of the zoo. They were hanging out making a racket.

Click for hi resolution photo.

Click for hi resolution photo.

Click for hi resolution photo.

Click for high resolution photo.

Click for hi resolution photo.

Click for hi resolution photo.

Click for hi resolution photo.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Buenos Aires, Part 6

Here are more pictures taken from our apartment building at Av Cordova and San Martin. On the last day we were granted access to the roof. As you will see, we had a great view of the city.

This height has a premium.

Maybe a water tank on top of the building?

"Make your own lane", car driving

The English tower about four blocks away.