Monday, July 23, 2007

Buenos Aires, Part 2

Our second day in Buenos Aires we heard the tragic loss of my uncle, Darrell Ensor. The plane he was flying somehow lost a wing.

The loss hit me hard. In the early 80’s I left Argentina as a teen to live with him and his family. They took me in when I barely spoke English, clueless about the American way of life. He did a lot for me, I will never forget. He will be missed, but not forgotten.

My uncle was an intelligent man. I don’t know of anything that he couldn’t do. Most importantly, he knew Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. I remember him sharing Jesus with others. As a Christian I have hope in seeing him again!

Here is a video tribute:

Taken in 99 at Tonya's wedding.


Brian Roy George said...


We loved Darrell Ensor. Enjoyed spending time with him. He was a great man with lots of vision and knowhow. He was very gifted. It was a shock to us to hear what happened. Can't wait to see him again in Heaven and spent some time with him. He will be missed greatly. He had a great love for people!!

Brian R. George

Anonymous said...

I just heard about Darrell's death yesterday. What a shock. I remember the first day I met Darrell - he was 16 and I was 11 and he showed up on our school bus east of What Cheer, IA. Turns our he was staying with our closest neighbors just up the road, Loretta's brother Lyle Snakenberg and his wife Rose, who was Darrell's sister. He quickly acquainted himself with us and with his lively, spirited outlook on life, he quickly captured our imaginations and made us all better for having him as a friend. Darrell could do anything he set his mind to, and do it well. He had limitless energy when he became excited about something, which was often. I worked for him in his plumbing business for several months, and he never allowed a dull moment. I mostly lost contact him in later years, but he has always been and always will be part of our family lore. The last time I saw him was about five years ago - he and Dave Clingan stopped by Dad's house when I was there because they'd gotten stuck over at Dave's dad's house and needed a pull, which I provided. I was only around him a short time, but I commented to him that some things never change, he was just as energetic and exciting as ever. I will miss not having him with us in this life. God speed, Darrell.