Friday, August 10, 2007

Religion, the Great Disappointment

It has been estimated that there are over 42,000 different religions in the world. The odds of landing on the right religion could be compared to playing the lottery. Most people follow the religion of their family.

God did not leave the truth to chance, or to a great, great grandparent. There is a way to find the truth. It starts with the Bible. See my page, “The Bible, Truth or Fiction?

The Bible does not speak of a correct religion. Instead, it points to Jesus Christ who came to this earth approximately 2000 years ago with one purpose in mind; to die a substitute death in our place for our sins. If you would like to know Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins He offers, please check out the e-book, The Gospel.

Man-made religions are not the answer. Don't play Russian roulette with your soul. Jesus is the gateway to heaven. Do you have Jesus? It's death without Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.